How it works?
NiS - Empowers individuals to meet their needs, pursue education, and engage in activities that contribute to their well-being and the community.
NiS Society
NiS - Empowering communities & individuals. Join the movement today.
Mint your
Create your NiS AI and generate wealth inside a Circular Economy System.
Get payd
NiS income is shared between all members inside the NiS community.
The Goal
of NiS Circular Economy
To generate a universal income for all members inside the community.
NiS generates wealth for every member of the community, without any means-testing or work requirements.
For everyone
This is a system for everyone, not for whales or market manipulators!
What is a Universal Income System (UIS)?
UIS - The next step from UBI (Univesrsal Basic Income). What is UBI?
UIS - is a social welfare system that provides regular payment to all individuals within a society, regardless of their employment or social status. Empowers individuals to meet their needs, pursue education and engage in activities that contribute to their well-being and the economy.
The Story
NiS - can address poverty, inequality, and the loss of jobs due to automation and AI, by providing a level of financial security!
In a world where financial uncertainty is a daily challenge, the NiS community emerges as a new beacon.NiS, powered by blockchain technology&ai, aims to provide an universal income to its members by creating a sustainable circular economy.Through the smart utilisation of NiS ecosystem and NiS AI Agents, the community fosters the wealth generation within the ecosystem.
For NiS Community
For Members
Learn & Earn - Platform
Learn how to earn in the world of crypto.Earn from siple tasks, to complex metods or everyday lifestyle.Learn & Earn.An entire ecosystem build to empower individuals will be accesible for's allready started, visit the platform regullary to check the progress.
Join the movement
How To Join ?
Join the circular economics movement today and generate universal income for every member of the community and yourself.
NiS Revenue is shared between all members of NiS community.